Showing posts with label gungs project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gungs project. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2014

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gungs project Plan - Becoming a great presenter on APPLE Event or TED

A clear goal is a simple but powerful way to motivate people and it makes reaching their hands to place they sincerely hope.
That’s why this figure is drawn to show my goal easily.

- Goal
  • To be a presenter on Apple event
  • To be a presenter on TED
- Methode
  • Make iOS App : making great application(using recently function) and increasing awareness.
  • Write Articles : making my core contents (mainly related on ‘Display’) like a book and increasing reputation.
  • Presentation : Establishing core values and stacking presentation skill through making a chance to reveal me in front of crowds.
They can seem to be not directly related on each other.
Through gungs project, I want show how connect these 3 different activities to the goal.

The goal of ‘gungs project’ is what I present my story to the world on Apple Event or TED.
It is just there was an impulse at some moments.
Although I don’t know why I think like that, It is supposed that I have been longing for Steve Jobs.
Everybody would have their goal when they starts something. I also would get a goal and it was becoming Steve Jobs.
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Saturday, September 6, 2014

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About Gungs Logo (inspired by Inception, 2010)

Some people think that logo can be a meaningful tool to represent themselves.

When I started the project in Oct. 2013, there was an image which crossed my mind in my dreams. It was a totem revealed at the film named ‘Inception,’ which gave me an inspiration for my logo.

That way when you look at your totem, you know beyond doubt you’re not in someone else’s dream.

In this film, the totem is an object which is used to test if a person is in his own reality and not in other person’s dream.

I’m on my dream everyday, like the totem which doesn’t stop from turning. I sincerely hope that this dream of mine would be my reality. That’s why the logo has the shape of the totem and the catching phrase, ‘Beyond your dream.’

I wish to reach a point where my dreams go beyond a totem’s endless turns.
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Saturday, February 8, 2014

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Start Blog - about gungs project

I started a project which is new and a meaningful one for me in 2007. However, it didn’t become successful because of my excuse of getting a job and getting married. And now, over 6 years have passed since I first started it. Although I didn't achieve my goal from this project, I felt my passion in it. To overcome my frustration, I decided to prove my growth and to start this project again named as 'gungs-project'.
<Image of a main page from>

One day, fun ideas sparked in my mind. That time, I couldn't sleep well because these ideas came to me on and on. In my dream, I became a big fantabulous cheese. Due to repetitive impulse, I decided to start again to make a change. I have this great belief for over a decade, "Dreams can be achieved by a man who trusts on his first impulse” and I decided to keep my first impulse just like the quote.

The 'gungs project' is a private project which is a kick start to my goal, the means to reach my goal. In this blog, I want to keep records of the process details and trial and errors to realize my objective.

Do you know how many trials it would take to get the result we want to see? For someone who did not join in the process, it’s hard for him to tell. I set an objective in this blog and this is what the record is trying to achieve. Once I get great results, I hope everybody would learn about the trial and errors during the process.

Usain Bolt is a great sprinter who just needs 50 footprints to reach a goal line. But if he got a ground according to his footprints alone, could he still get a great result? A great result is based on a widened ground his foot couldn’t reach, an opened view, a good competitor and a goal line seen from starting point. If he would just have a ground according to footprints, he couldn't run well.

 To accomplish this project, I need some abilities. I need a program to make an iOS application to design images and to make videos. I should also adapt to MAC and improve my English communication.

Actually, for the first time I just dealt with programs like MFC and MAC. It's first for the likes of 'object C' and ' Xcode' too. English is so hard for me.

Now I am working as a circuit design engineer in my company and this work is not related on 'gungs project' directly. I also don't have a private time because I leave my office late and my kids don't like me to have my break.

The reason I talked about my private information is to show that even an ordinary person can try this project even without a special ability. For this reason, I have many trial and errors. But it also shows that I made advancement to my goal line. It brings a big impact into my heart and into yours who would read the record of my trials

With this belief, I start 'gungs project.’

- New start. since, Oct 18, 2013

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