Showing posts with label steve jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steve jobs. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2014

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A Special Day with a Movie 'Jobs'

A. Dec.25. 2013 Xmas

Last X-mas was very special for me because my wife visited her parents with our kids. I was left alone and it was my first time to rest freely for this year. I decided to watch a movie because I had never done it since I had kids. I also prepared special dinner for myself on that special day.

I didn't need to consider what movie I should watch because I knew from the start that I wanted to see 'Jobs'. It was also my first time to watch a movie through IPTV. I don’t usually purchase TV programs on virtual channel because it’s burdensome and expensive. It costs 4,000 won which is much more expensive than Starbucks’ coffee. Anyways, with a little hesitation I decided to buy programs on that day and I was so relieved and thankful because I got a free coupon. I wondered why I was not informed of this earlier.

 B. About the movie 'Jobs'

  Although I really wanted to watch the movie Jobs when it was first released, I couldn't because of my kids and job. After reading so many negative reviews about it on the Internet, I decided to watch it anyway. I don’t recommend this movie to those who don’t know Steve Jobs. In the movie, so many events passed in a flash which makes the story improbable. Also, it doesn’t show about iPhone and iPad. I was expecting to see how these gadgets change the world in the movie but it’s only about the process to maturity.  I didn’t have fun watching the movie. In fact, I often checked my smart phone while the movie was playing. In spite of that, I have liked Steve Jobs’ quotes and respected his passion. In the movie, he repetitively said that faith could motivate coworkers and change the world. On the other hand, it’s a bit ironic when those who opposed him saw him as poor, childish and obstinate when he repetitively insisted his philosophy on others.

C. Narration from the movie

In the movie, when a conflict is finally resolved, the passage below is narrated by Steve as Mike Maclulais seen walking out.

When you grow up, you tend to get told the world is the way that it is,your life is just to live your life inside the world and try not to bash into the walls too much.But that’s a very limited life. 
Life can be much broader, once you discover one simple fact. And that is that everything around you that you call life was made up by people that are no smarter than you. And you can change it. You can influence it. You can build your own things, that other people can use.  It’s to shake off this erroneous notion that life is just there, and you are just gonna live in it, versus embrace it. 
Change it. Improve it. Make your mark upon it. And once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again. 

While listening I heard him said, 'You can change it'. Upon hearing it, I knew it was very important so I repeated the scene to jot down his narration. Fortunately, IPTV's rewind function made me it possible. However, I had a hard time jotting down accurately because I could not understand well his pronunciation and accent. Google is really great because when I typed “when you grow up” in a search bar, I got many hits. I also found out that this quote was said by him in 1995, while he was still at Next Computer. He might be considering about returning to Apple during this period.

D. After watching 'Jobs' 

What makes me jot down the quote and write this article? It touched my heart and made me remember my past and my indefinite dreams. When I entered a university, I wanted to become like Bill Gates even though I didn't know him well. I just knew that he became famous because of his huge money and dramatic success. It really fascinated me. When I joined a company, I really wanted to become like Steve Jobs. After I watched and listened to the video clip of his speech in Stanford, I became addicted to his quotes. I really want to move others just like him. I believe that his speech is powerful enough to touch others’ hearts and give hope to people who are eager to change

E. Bottom Line

I’m always eager to write my story on the blog. I thought it was really hard at first. My present bears no resemblance to the past of Steve Jobs. I was inspired when he said, “You can change it.” Thanks to this quote, I want to dream again.  

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