Showing posts with label WWDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WWDC. Show all posts

Thursday, April 3, 2014

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Apple Announces to Get Ready for WWDC 2014 June 2-6, San Francisco and Apply for Random Ticket Selection Now.

I am going to be really looking for dates of WWDC 2104 and eventually I get this information through e-mail 1hour ago.Everyday I spent my time to get it's information and a method to register this program. But At now, I can have good feeling because of it's date which crash my other plan.
(I have a plan to oral presentation June 5, San Diego in SID'14)
[WWDC 2014 Poster.
The quote 'Write the code. Change the world' is very impressive]

WWDC 2007 took place from June 11 to 15
WWDC 2008 took place from June 9 to 13
WWDC 2009 took place from June 8 to 12
WWDC 2010 took place from June 7 to 11
WWDC 2011 took place from June 6 to 10
WWDC 2012 took place from June 11 to 15
WWDC 2013 took place from June 10 to 14
WWDC 2014 will take place from June 2 to 6

Like aforementioned, I know this event may happen at June. And I wish the date will be set like WWDC 2011 because I really want to attend the conference after finishing my business. But hope seems to disappear.

Anyway, I tried to register this program, WWDC 2014.

->Click! WWDC2014 Register Page
[The Page of WWDC2014]

In this page, you can see a message about a process to register. And you can check new process mentioned PDT. It isn't first-come first-serve this time around, and instead will take place using random selection between now and April 7 at 10 AM PT.

[The Message after Register]

You can get an opportunity to purchase a WWDC ticket through registration in this page. This result will send your e-mail by 5:00p.m. on April 7, 2014.

The cost is 1599 USD. It can look to be expensive but this ticket sold out in just 2 minute at WWDC 2013. It is because this program gives a really good experience to developers and attendance can be feel honored.

Anyway, I am looking for WWDC 2014. What makes us interesting?
It can be expected like advanced iOS, new function on Os X and entirely new product.
I am waiting iWatch as entirely new product. And I hope unexpected things make me exiting. I want meet WWDC 2014 immediately!

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