Showing posts with label IT / Display News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IT / Display News. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2015

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USB 3.0 Flash Drive will Get a Role for Smart Phone's External Strorage

Thanks to Moore's Law we've seen flash drives grow steadily smaller and smaller as storage capacity does exactly the opposite. To wit, the new SanDisk Ultra Fit USB 3.0 USB 3.0 storage unit is perhaps the tiniest we've witnessed yet. The company claims the device is smaller than a dime and the 128GB of space can store some 16 hours of 1080p video with read speeds clocking in at up to 130MB per second. Gizmodo Australia notes that this isn't the most expedient drive available, but hey, given the rather diminutive footprint it's probably pretty safe to leave permanently stuck in your gadget of choice. That minuscule size comes at a steep price though: $119 for the 128GB model -- or 1,190 dimes.

This small storage will be able to connect to a smart phone having usb 3.0 slot.
It means external SD card slot will be not needed for smart phone and if next iPhone get usb 3.0, it may support external storage.

Source - Engadget :'World's smallest' USB 3.0 flash drive is about the size of a dime
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

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Microsoft's Surface Hub will begin shipping July 1. with Reasonable Price!

Microsoft finally has a number for how much it will cost businesses to outfit their conference rooms with technology of the future: Up to $20,000.

For that price, companies can purchase the Surface Hub, a touchscreen computer that comes in either a 55-inch model for $7,000 or an 84-inch model with speedier hardware for $20,000. The device starts shipping in 24 markets starting July 1, the company announced Wednesday.

Microsoft says the Surface Hub, which can be wall mounted and operated with your hands, a stylus or your voice, is a viable replacement for a majority of current conference room technology. It can be used to hold video and audio conference calls or it can be transformed into a whiteboard for taking notes and brainstorming. The device is also equipped with motion-sensing cameras and microphones and will understand where you are in the room to better collect audio and transmit video.

Yet more than anything else, the device symbolizes Microsoft's vision for Windows 10, the software maker's upcoming operating system overhaul designed to power devices of all types, including the Surface Hub. Microsoft no longer cares what device you use or even what underlying software powers that device. It only cares whether you or the company you work for prefers to do its most important work on Microsoft-made software.

Movie : Microsoft Surface Hub Concept

I think it's reasonable price compare than PPI. And Windows can expand range of using this garget to existed smart gadgets easily.

This has a lot possibility and it is on natural development way. Most of people already know the multi touch UX through their mobile one.
And this experience will invade to large sized display naturally.

So, I believe that Surface Hub can make new market if they give users natural UX.

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Monday, April 20, 2015

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About LG G4, Cheer up! Your replaceable batteries and microSD are effective yet!

LG has something new up its sleeve for the G4 smartphone and the South Korean company is alluding to greatness. The device will be revealed at events on April 28 and April 29 (due to time zones) in six cities: New York, London, Paris, Istanbul, Singapore and Seoul.

With an invitation that coyly sneaks a peek at a leather-like material accentuated by stitching, the tagline "see the great, feel the great" hints at a design overhaul that veers from the plastic-laden bodies we're used to seeing from LG. The gossip mill also gives us a hint at what to expect on the inside of the upcoming flagship phone.

I surprised to see related comments of this CNET's article.
From a iPhone to Galaxy, a number of flagship phones throw out functions such as replaceable batteries and microSD.
And it seems to become general trend.

But through these comments, there are requirements to get existed functions as ever, I suppose. Anyway, It is interesting and it will be decided.

Source - CNET : LG G4: What we know about specs, pricing and the release date
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AUO starts to manufacture 5.46" FHD AMOLED panels, already?

According to our information Taiwan's AU Optronics started to mass produce 5.46" Full-HD AMOLED panels, aimed for smartphone applications. AUO is already producing 1.63", 4.3" and 5" AMOLED displays. AUO is also developing a 1.4" circular AMOLED display. 

 I know AUO is already producing their AMOLED products like 1.63", 4.3" and 5".
What does company use their displays?
What kind of products to be powered by their AMOLED?
I really wonder the AMOLED display's performance.
Is it indeed having abilities to treat Samsung or LGDisplay?

Source - OLEDinfo : AUO starts to mass produce 5.46" FHD AMOLED panels
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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

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The world's smallest computer - Michigan Micro Mote - So Tiny!

Tiny Computure - Michigan Micro Mote (M^3)

Computers used to consume whole rooms, but now one computer can fit on the edge of a nickel. At just one millimeter cubed, the Michigan Micro Mote (M^3) is believed to be the smallest autonomous computer in the world.

For over a decade, the faculty and students at the University of Michigan's computer science department have been working on the M^3. As the Internet of Things (IoT) gets bigger, the Michigan team is pushing to make computers ever smaller.

Despite its tiny size, the M^3 has the ability to take pictures, read temperatures and record pressure readings. Researchers hope to implement the microcomputer into a variety of applications ranging from medical to industrial.

With no space for a keyboard, mouse or display, the faculty and students had to invent a different way to communicate with the Micro Mote. The M^3 is programmed and charged via light. By strobing light at a high frequency, the operator is able to send information to the computer. Once the Micro Mote processes the data, it is able to send the information to a central computer via conventional radio frequencies.

The M^3 is ready for production now, and the faculty and staff are already looking forward to creating even smaller computers, which they call smart dust.

-Movie : Michigan Micro Mote (M^3)

Hardwares are vanishing into the air and we suppose to live in the future already.
Some dangerous thought suddenly comes to mind as soon as this tiny computer.
It seems to be possible to jump off internet of things and reached to human's body like we've seen in SF movie. The world human is controlled by invisible computer, is it scary?

Source - CNET :  This working computer is smaller than a grain of rice
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Sunday, April 5, 2015

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Apple Revealed Apple Watch's Guided Tour Video, Great!

Apple Watch Hands On

Let's say you've devoured just about everything you can find on the Apple Watch but are still craving more. That's perfectly natural. Well, Cupertino has a guided tour of the wearable that should help answer any remaining questions you might have. For now there are four separate videos with a disembodied voice talking through the different features (messages, general functionality, digital touch and faces), showing how they work and generally being pretty informative. The digital crown, for example, is apparently as integral to Watch as the clickwheel was to the original iPod. Huh.

Pre-orders will open soon, with the timepiece to be available in store starting April 24th. Impatient and rich? A few select people with deep, deep pockets can get their wrists inside the Watch Edition on April 10th

-Movie : Apple Watch Guided Tour
Apple has an ability their product appeals to people surely. I'm looking forward to the day April 24th. How many deals are possible? Can Apple Watch make new history like other Apple's one? Anyway I'll get it!
Source - Engadget : Apple made how-to videos for a Watch you can't buy yet
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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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Youtube is making progress to Game Streaming like Twitch

After Google's failed attempt to acquire the live game streaming company Twitch (which went to Amazon instead), it's now aiming to relaunch YouTube's streaming feature with a focus on games and eSports, reports The Daily Dot. YouTube's been in the live streaming market since 2010, and it's scored some major events like the State of the Union and the League of Legends Championship Series, but it's not nearly as robust and easy to use as Twitch. That site has basically has become the de facto way to share gaming experiences over the past four years. In fact, it's grown so large that even the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One include Twitch integration and apps (and it's also powering all of Engadget's game streams). Sources say Google has already built up a team of 50 engineers to revamp YouTube's live component, and it could make an official announcement during the E3 gaming convention in June.

A lot of people are attending for a game streaming now, and a number of viewers for game streaming has increased. Although Youtube is great place to share movies, in a field of game streaming, Twitch has great influence as ever. But I believe Youtube already has ability to compete with Twitch, and they can give a chance to join easily many people to the field.
I wish the business of game streaming will be extend through efforts like google's tries making more great platform for game streaming.

Source - Engadget : YouTube is reportedly gearing up to take on Twitch game streaming
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Will Facebook's plan their Solar Drone to bring Internet be possible for realization?

Facebook's Chief Technology Officer, Mike Schroepfer, talking about Facebook's drone program.

The big Facebook drone, called Aquila, will hold its first test flight this summer, Facebook vice president of engineering Jay Parikh told the Wall Street Journal in an interview published Thursday.

"The idea of this," Facebook's chief technology officer, Mike Schroepfer, told an audience at F8, "is to loiter across an area at very high altitude -- 60,000 to 90,000 feet in the air -- stand on station for months at a time and beam down backbone Internet access."

The use of solar energy could help with the aspirations to keep the aircraft aloft for "months at a time." The earlier prototype Solar Impulse aircraft charged its batteries as it flew during the day and then drew on that energy to keep flying through the night. But aircraft with pilots aboard can quickly run into the limitations of human endurance.

Drones are another matter. In 2010, a lightweight, solar-powered unmanned aircraft called the Qinetiq Zephyr set a remarkable world record, flying nonstop for just over 336 hours -- that is, two full weeks.

By comparison, Boeing has been test-flying, in short spurts, a liquid hydrogen-powered unmanned aircraft called the Phantom Eye that it wants eventually to be capable of four days of unrefueled autonomous flight. Northrop Grumman's remotely piloted Global Hawk has flown for as long as 34 hours.

Movie - Facebook CTO talks up solar-powered drones

It looks a very interesting try. But is it cost-effective? In the process it is realized, there will be many problems like flight regulation, harmfulness to human body by its electromagnetic wave and interference of electric wave. But I believe a fearless challenge like this can change the world. Go ahead on your way Facebook.

Source - CNET : Facebook wants solar drone to bring Internet far and wide
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Apple's Tim Cook intends to become a major philanthropist

Apple's CEO has big-time philanthropy on his list of things to do.

Apple CEO Tim Cook is following in the footsteps of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates when it comes to philanthropy. Cook said he plans to give away his fortune after paying for his 10-year-old nephew's college, according to Fortune magazine.

"You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change," Cook told the publication.

Cook is part of a group of millionaire and billionaire tech executives who believe in sharing their wealth. Gates is the most well-known philanthropist in the group; with his wife, Melinda, he's donated $30.2 billion, or 37 percent of his net worth, according to Forbes. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has given away $1.5 billion, or 4 percent of his net worth over his lifetime. Other company chiefs, like Google co-founder Sergey Brin, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, are known for giving to charity.

Can't help respecting decision of Tim Cook. And I would envy their culture which can be possible this marvelous determination.
 Source - CNET : Apple's Tim Cook plans to donate his wealth to charity
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Friday, March 6, 2015

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Apple's March 9 Event, Apple Watch and New gadgets

With Apple's 'Spring Forward' event on March 9 in San Francisco just days away, it's time to look at -- and recalibrate -- our expectations for the occasion.

We know that the event will focus on the Apple Watch, which was revealed at the same September 2014 event where the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus debuted. Right now, we know precious few details about the Watch -- it will start shipping in April with a $349 price in the US for the entry-level aluminum-and-glass Apple Watch Sport version (that translates to about £220 or AU$380).

Questions about Apple Wathch - Battery Life, Cost

Others Expectation
  • New Macbook Air (with Retina Display)
  • 12.9inch IPAD Plus
  • New Apple TV Box (with HBO GO)
  • New IPods
  • New Streaming Service (Beats Based)
  • Cars

Apple Watch - Hands On

When Apple watch reveals its figure, their supporters like 3rd party hardware makers and application designers will show how smart watch can be redefined.
That's why I'm looking forward to meeting the moment Apple watch's monumental appearance.
There will be many great events on Monday, March 9, and above all, I hope Apple redefines TV market with great streaming contents such as Sling TV.

Sorce - CNET : What to expect from Apple's March 9 event (Hint: It's more than just the Watch)
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Samsung Pay (NFC+MST) has little advantage in Europe compare than USA

Samsung Pay, seen here running on the Galaxy S6 Edge, will be on roughly equal footing with Apple Pay in Europe.

BARCELONA -- Samsung wants its new phones to become your wallet, yesterday unveiling its Samsung Pay mobile payments system, which is going to arrive on its Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge smartphones.

Samsung has said its payment tech will be coming to Europe following a roll-out in the US and South Korea in the summer, but how will Samsung's scheme work in European countries, and is it likely to take off?

This is great for Samsung in the US, where loads of tills still only have mag-stripe readers, but Samsung's advantage in the UK and Europe is dramatically lessened.

"Samsung can in theory be used more broadly due to the magstripe side of things, but in Europe the magstripe is really being forgotten about as a technology compared to the US, and is pretty removed in most markets," Ubaghs said. "Even finding the card swipe portion of a point of sale device is likely to be fiddly and unclear to many consumers in Europe who are out of the habit, and I can only imagine what staff at the till will make of consumers waving their phones about their registers if they aren't sure what's going on."

With NFC and MST, Samsung's payment tech is comprehensive -- but the obstacles that stand between Samsung and mobile payment domination aren't merely technical, especially in Europe where paying for items with a tap is no longer a novelty. Why pay with a Samsung smartphone when it's no easier than using a card?

Europe supports PIN & Chip payment method, which is that cards include IC and PIN number is necessary to use a card to protect from to be stolen. In this case, Samsung's MST method can be just overhead. But it's true their NFC can be effect to Europe like Apple.
In the mobile payment market, is it possible smart phone can card-cutting?
It is important there is great merit to credit cards because they don't need batteries.
Although NFC can be active even power off, the finger printing requires battery surely. It means the method of smart phone's payment can be uncomfortable compare than existed method.
If mobile payment can't show the merit overcome its competitors, it is not easy.
Source - CNET : Why Samsung Pay has little advantage over Apple Pay in Europe
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LG Watch Urbane - It's a LTE Phone and Mobile Wallet with WebOS

Looks Great - LG Watch Urbane

What looks like a sports watch, makes its own phone calls over LTE, makes mobile payments over NFC and runs its own new operating system? The LG Watch Urbane LTE. Yes, LG has another new smartwatch on the way, and this one's not Android Wear: it's a whole new beast. I tried LG Watch Urbane LTE on my wrist for a while in Barcelona, and while I still have no idea how it'll really perform, it felt big but nice on my wrist.

The LG Watch Urbane LTE has the same 1.3-inch round 320x320-pixel P-OLED display, 4GB of onboard storage and 1.2 GHz Snapdragon 400 processor as the Android Wear-based LG Watch Urbane, but adds lots of other features: 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, an LTE antenna, NFC, and a much larger 700mAh battery that's bound to impact the design a bit.

LG Watch Urbane - Hands On / CNET

Nice to meet this watch having elegant design. And the webOs looks a good try at the marker of smartwatch to test their future system.
If their Os will be powered on the smartphone, it'll be hard to success. But it is possible at IoT market. And it looks great to have LTE which can stand alone to communication without any mobile gadgets.
It seems to have a qualification to be success as both a watch and a smart gadget if the design is shone on wrist. 

 Sourece - CNET : LG's new smartwatch is a phone and mobile wallet, ditches Android Wear for WebOS (hands-on)
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Monday, February 23, 2015

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Small PCs is competing with less space and less money

Portability and space-saving for computers are generally traits of slim laptops and lightweight tablets, or the new generation of hybrid PCs that combine aspects of both. Several years ago, an eternity in technology time, there was another popular breed of small computers, called small form factor or media center PCs. Some connected to TVs for media streaming and PC-based DVR recording, while others were used as aesthetically appealing work or home computers for those who hated the look of boxy tower desktops.

Since then, home theater types have largely switched to streaming devices such as the Roku or Apple TV, and PC users have shifted in large numbers to laptops and tablets. A handful of small PCs, some hardly larger than a few Roku boxes stacked together, stuck around, but it wasn't what we'd call a growth area.

In late 2014 and early 2015, we've seen a small but significant resurgence in this category, with mini desktops that have been redesigned or upgraded to compete in both price and performance. Some are low-power boxes designed to work unobtrusively in the background, while others are surprisingly ambitious for computers that cost less than $500.

Keeping these systems to their roughly $500 configurations, it's easy to point toward one over the others, depending on your needs. The HP Mini gives you a ton of storage, plus accessories, at the expense of processing power. Apple's Mac Mini has the fastest processor, plus OS X and all of Apple's generally excellent included software. Dell's Alienware Alpha experiment in PC-as-game-console is a work in progress, to be generous, but the expansive library of PC games, dating back decades, is more interesting than current-gen consoles any day.

Beyond these three recent mini desktops, there are other tiny PCs that are worth a look. The insanely inexpensive Raspberry Pi is more of a hobbyist's computer than a mainstream machine. A few PC makers offer Chromebox systems, using Google's Chrome OS instead of Windows or OS X, and Intel showed off a concept for a very low-cost PC-on-a-stick at CES 2015, powered by that company's Atom processors.

Intel's Curie. It is tiny PC.

It is unaffected phenomenon to appear mini PCs because hardware is smaller, software is lighter and WIFI pulls trigger to lead changes.
Like this article noted, PC will be smaller than now. And it means 'mini' is to be 'tiny' such as Raspberry Pi, Crome Cast and Curie of Intel.
And finally it will be vanished.
If talked like this just 5 years ago, everybody said it is just fantasy story. But it is not, it is real at now.

source - CNET : Big showdown for mini desktops
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Sunday, February 22, 2015

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Drones Come True - Drone Waiter in Singapore

A drone waiting tables at Timbré's al fresco restaurant.

Singaporean restaurant-bar chain Timbré is employing a fleet of flying drones as waitstaff for its live-music eateries. Earlier this month, the restaurant chain and robotics company Infinium Robotics jointly unveiled a new experiment at the al fresco venue Timbré @ Substation, to showcase the reliability of commercial drones bringing plates of food and drinks to patrons.

Having robotic waiters doesn't mean humans are out of work. The drones help to eliminate the need for the restaurant's wait staff to weave through the busy dining area, as they're responsible for flying the food from the kitchen over the heads of hungry customers.

Human waiters instead spend more time interacting with diners, taking orders and clearing dishes -- and they're still needed to take the food and drinks from the floating delivery platform and give them to each customer when they arrive.

- Demo - Drone Waiter

I was doubtful about a success of the drone. But now, I come to mind crowded streets with drones.Can you image the world everybody has a drone. It may be helpful with various angles, for example, it can carry your back at least.If regulations can be relax, drone can be close to you more your thought.
Source - CNET : Drone waiters are ready to serve in Singapore
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Friday, February 20, 2015

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Sling TV Can be Available Now! Can They Cut the Cord?

The Good : Sling TV is the first true Internet-delivered alternative to traditional cable and satellite TV, providing live channels (and some on-demand content) from ESPN, TNT, CNN and Disney for far less than standard pay TV packages, with no contract or commitment. It works anywhere in the US with a stable broadband Internet connection, and video quality is mostly indistinguishable from cable TV. Sling is available on a wide range of devices including Roku, Android, iOS, and Mac and PC computers.

The Bad : Sling TV has far fewer channels than basic cable, and the initial $5 per month add-on packs don't add much. You can only watch on one device at the same time. Most channels don't allow you to pause, rewind or fast-forward. On-demand options and authenticated channel apps (like Watch ESPN) are limited, too.

The Bottom Line : Sling TV's bargain price and freedom from contracts make it well worth a test-drive for prospective cord-cutters or "cord-nevers" who can live with its stripped-down selection of live TV channels.


The Best of Live TV (core)$20 per monthESPN, ESPN2, TNT, TBS, Food Network, HGTV, Travel Channel, Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, Disney Channel, ABC Family, CNN, El Rey Network, Maker, Galavision, AMC (coming soon)
Sports Extra+$5 per monthSEC Network, ESPNEWS, ESPNU, Universal Sports, Univision Deportes, beIN Sports, ESPN Buzzer Beater, ESPN Bases Loaded, ESPN Goal Line
Kids Extra+$5 per monthDisney Junior, Disney XD, Boomerang, Baby TV, Duck TV
News & Info Extra+$5 per monthHLN, Cooking Channel, DIY, Bloomberg TV


TV devicesRoku (TVs, boxes and streaming stick)
Computers and mobile devicesAndroid phones and tablets, iOS phones and tablets (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), PC and Mac computers
"Coming soon"Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick, Xbox One, Google Nexus Player, Chromecast, Android TV devices (select 2015 Sony and Sharp Smart TVs), Samsung & LG Smart TVs
Not availablePlayStation (3 or 4)

Sling TV won many accolades at CES 2015. Not only did it walk home with awards for the Best of Best and Best Home Theater categories, it won one for Best Software too. Not only is the service a game-changer for cord-cutters, the software itself is great.
What make they can attract attention?
They are already a game-changer from at moment their cord is cut by themselves and the Sling TV can be to deal with more various consumers beyond the border through line of an internet. I cheer the way they choose and believe its success.

Source - CNET :Bust the cable TV bundle for $20 per month, some strings attached
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Project Ara : Google's Modular Phone is also Part of it.

Google's Spiral 2 prototype currently has a 5-megapixel camera that you could swap out for a more powerful lens.

If you've ever wished you could pick from a pile of parts and make your own smartphone, Project Ara is your Android wish come true.

Run out of Google's Advanced Technology and Projects group (ATAP), Ara proposes that phone owners should be able to mix-and-match components to build the phone they want to own, rather than accept whatever it is that phone makers think people want.

If you're unfamiliar with the concept, here's what we know so far about Google's intriguing DIY smartphone.

Wow, they really are doing well a work to make hardware platform. They are not easy to get tremendous popularity in the high-end smartphone market due to its hardware and cost limitation.

But They can make totally new categories in other areas like the tablet or IoT. Their modules can do work to realize the simple hardware which can be used as a second display for your extended work like using a dual monitor.

Source - CNET : Project Ara: Everything we know about Google's modular phone
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CNET Review : LG's Second Curved Phone GFlex2

If you accidentally sit on the device, don't worry -- it's durable enough to flex back straight.

CNET EDITORS' RATING : 4stars - Excellent

The Good : The LG G Flex 2 sports a uniquely immersive and comfortable arched design, a sharp 1080p display, the latest Snapdragon 810 processor and a scratch-resistant coating.

The Bad  :The device's camera takes muted photos, its battery capacity is smaller than its predecessor, and performance can be slow at times, pending a software update.

The Bottom Line  : No longer just a daring experiment, the G Flex 2 finally has the killer screen and top-of-the-line processor that its bold design deserves.

Can this flexible phone get good score in the market?

It seems to be difficult situation to win in competition because Apple already absorbed almost high-end market and other low cost smart phones are attacking to the market.
But I want cheer their new tries because its durable concept will be helpful to consumers.

Source - CNET : LG revisits the curve, and steps it up with high-caliber hardware

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

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Intel believes its button-size pc 'Curie' sill serve as a platform of all wearable things - CES 2015

Intel believes the chip will serve as a platform for new product. It is set to debut in the second half of the year.

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich unveiled Curie, a button-size chip that includes a processor, Bluetooth low-energy radio, sensors and a dedicated engine to determine different sporting activity. It's also able to run for extended periods with a coin-size battery, or can be recharged. Such a minuscule chip could power wearables of different designs, from rings to pendants to clothes, Krzanich said at his keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show on Tuesday.

"This changes the game of wearables," he said.

Intel Presentation on CES 2015. Curie is revealed 6:05

The way Intel thoughts is very suitable to future of IoT. At now all advanced electronics can be smarter but, they have other hardware and software and it make to be hard to connect with other things. This tiny hardware Intel introduced will be able be role to connect existed things and to change be smarter IoT like CromeCast which can change normal TV to Smart TV.

Source - CNET : Intel's button-size Curie will power all kinds of wearables
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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

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LG shows G Flex 2 having Advanced FHD Flexible OLED and Self Healing. It Looks Great! in CES 2015

LAS VEGAS -- Doubling down on its uniquely bowed G Flex smartphone, LG unveiled its successor, the aptly named G Flex 2, today during a CES 2015 press conference. Equipped with a 5.5-inch touchscreen that has a 23 degree arc, the device will initially launch in Korea later this month with other countries following suit.

In the US, AT&T, Sprint and US Cellular have already announced plans to carry the handset, while in the UK Vodafone will stock it exclusively for six weeks after launch.

One of the biggest improvements with the device is its display. I was previously disappointed that the first G Flex only had a 720p resolution, but LG has now bumped that up to 1080p. And given the size decrease (it now measures 5.5 inches instead of 6), the screen has a higher pixel density of 403ppi, resulting in a noticeably sharper display.

LG also reported that the Gorilla Glass touchscreen is treated in-house to make it more durable. The process requires the panel to be chemically treated with a very hot gas, and makes it 20 percent stronger than when left untreated.

-CES 2015 - LG G Flex 2 Hands On

LG seems to be looked like going to right way. Recently there are so many high performance smartphone, in this environment, a differentiated point is necessary to stand out.

This bendable phone has a lot of new functions. First look at its display. It has flexible OLED screen. Somebody can say its just gimmick but this design has great durability as well as curved screen. It's a good point to help consumer's real life.

Beside G Flex2 has good basic functions as a smart phone and it has verified from G series. If it can be affordable price, this model will have a enough qualification to be success.
Source - CENT : LG G Flex 2: Second-gen curved smartphone features 5.5-inch screen, Snapdragon 810 and 'self-healing' capabilities (hands-on)
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Monday, January 5, 2015

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Misfit Swarovski Shine shows New Possibilities of Fitness Jewelry at CES 2015

LAS VEGAS -- There have been plenty of recent attempts at meshing wearable tech and jewelry -- theIntel MICA band, Fitbit's Tory Burch accessories, and the Misfit Shine, which has its own pendants and bracelets, are a few that come to mind. A key limitation, however, has been battery life: these gadgets, sooner or later, need a charge or a new battery.

Misfit Swarovski Shine, a line of crystal-bejeweled fitness trackers announced at CES in Las Vegas, takes everything up another level. Thanks to a partnership with Swarovski, these trackers cross the line into true jewelry. Two versions will offer either a clear or violet crystal. It's the violet one you want, because that one's solar-powered -- it shouldn't ever need to be charged at all.

It looks good cooperation. Recently any wearable devices would have mistake to insert many functions beyond its practice. But this Misfit Swarovski Shine is simple, and it increases beauty of the crystal by twinkling LEDs. Besides it has a solution of battery charging and if it can't be working, it has worth enough to reveal beauty and also its price is affordable. Like this try, if the crystal can have an important role as a hardware platform, its series will be able to make a success.

Source - CNET : Never-charge fitness jewelry: Misfit Swarovski Shine has solar-powered energy crystals (hands-on)
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